Interview Full Stack Web
Interview Preparation
Full Stack Web Development
Q. What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
Answer: The DOM is a programming interface that represents the structure of a web document as nodes and objects. It allows dynamic interaction and modification of the content.
Q. Explain the box model in CSS.
The box model defines how elements are rendered, including content, padding, border, and margin. It determines the space an element occupies within the layout.
Q. What is a closure in JavaScript?
Answer: A closure is a function that retains access to variables from its outer scope even after the outer function has finished executing.
Q. What are the key features of React and Angular?
Answer: React uses a Virtual DOM for efficient updates, while Angular provides two-way data binding and a comprehensive framework for building dynamic web applications.
Q. What is an API, and why is it important for web applications?
Answer: An API (Application Programming Interface) defines how different software components should interact. It’s crucial for enabling communication between various parts of a web application.
Q. How does Node.js handle asynchronous operations?
Answer: Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that allows it to handle multiple connections concurrently without blocking the execution of other tasks.
Q. How would you integrate a third-party API into a web application?
Answer: To integrate an API, you need to obtain an API key, make HTTP requests using libraries like axios
or fetch
, handle responses, and display the retrieved data on your application.
Q. Describe the ACID properties in the context of database transactions.
Answer: ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties ensure reliable and predictable database transactions.
Q. What is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture?
Answer: MVC separates an application into Model (data), View (presentation), and Controller (user input handling) components for better organization and maintainability.
Q. How would you deploy a web application to a cloud platform like AWS?
Answer: Deploying to a cloud platform involves creating a deployment package, configuring the server environment, and using deployment tools to publish the code. AWS or Heroku provide services for hosting web applications.
Q. What is Git, and why is it widely used in collaborative development?
Answer: Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to files. It’s popular in collaborative development because it allows multiple developers to work on the same codebase seamlessly.
Q. What techniques can you use to optimize the performance of a web application?
Answer: Performance optimization includes minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing images, using caching mechanisms, employing asynchronous loading, and reducing server response times.